Archag Touloumian | Oliver Wyman Aerospace and Defense | Paris
Archag Touloumian
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Archag is a Paris-based Partner who works in our Aerospace and Defense Practice, as well as on the leadership team of our Performance Transformation platform. He is an expert in operations and transformation, mostly focusing on cost reduction and engineering topics within the transformation context.

His work typically involves carrying out in-depth diagnoses of performance and devising extensive improvement plans, often reorganizing and rebalancing organizations and the footprint of entire engineering departments. In the last few years, Archag has also led numerous projects in digital services, both in civilian and military aerospace.

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I have always been fascinated by complex engineered products. I brought this passion into my daily work to help corporations move towards greater competitiveness, innovation, and digitalization in complex environments.

Archag works with companies globally to design, realize, and implement a transformation that is both comprehensive and sustainable, driving fundamental performance improvement and value growth. He takes a long-term view of the market, partnering with clients to gain a clear view of their strategic differentiators that can lead to lasting success.

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When it comes to major business transformation initiatives, you need to look at cost reduction, but it’s vital to have a bigger and bolder plan that takes into account your entire business model, your people, and your organization’s rationale for change.

Archag studied Business at the HEC Paris Business School in France, and holds a Master of Science in Management diploma. He is a native speaker of French and Armenian, and is fluent in English. Outside of work, he is a happy father of three and enjoys sailing around Europe.